This roundtable meeting was held in collaboration with the Department of Sociology at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Indore. It was the beginning of the series of roundtables organized by the Bahai Chair titled ‘Dialogues on Development’ which covered themes related to development. The Chief Guest was Prof. N.K.Dhakad, Vice Chancellor of DAVV. Speakers included senior journalist Mr. Shravan Garg, Dr. Sudha Jain from the Indore School of Social Work and Dr. Neeraj Mishra from IIT Indore. Apart from this, participants included faculty and research scholars from the Indian Institute of Management – Indore, IIT – Indore and the Institute of Management Studies, Indore as well as distinguished development practitioners. The meeting was moderated by Dr. Arash Fazli of the Baha’i Chair. Click here for the concept note of this event.