India and the world needs leaders who can solve the paradoxes that beset humanity like climate security and aspirational consumption. These paradoxes are wicked because of the complexity, depth and scale involved. The youth inherit the world that is beset with these entrenched problems and it is from among them that the leadership will need to emerge that will find solutions to these challenges. This talk shared insights and learning from an experiment to create a space for young people to foster within them initiative and capacities to lead the process of social transformation. Called the 5th space, it is a space created for young people beyond the current four legitimate spaces they occupy of family, friends, career/education and leisure. This 5th space gives young people a chance to co-lead social change projects in the real world and learn with and from their peers the precious capacities that nurture inside-out leadership.
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Ashraf Patel has played a key role in shaping the youth work field for nearly three decades as co-founder of Pravah and ComMutiny – The Youth Collective. She is a passionate advocate of inside-out youth leadership and is committed to strengthening youth-centric development and societal wellbeing based on constitutional values. Towards this aim she is currently part of cocreating the vartaLeap Coalition in her volunteering capacity. This is a cross-sectoral community with 180 leading organisations, youth work practitioners, policymakers and key stakeholders. Ms. Patel is committed to coalition building and collectivisation. She is the cofounder of the Commonwealth Alliance of Youth Worker Association (CAYWA) and in the past has been part of steering groups of a number of collectives including WNTA, Vikalp Sangam,
Catalyst 2030 and International Forum for Volunteering Development. She is an Ashoka Fellow (1997), a Jubilant Bhartia Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award (SEOY) Awardee (2020), and a Schwab social entrepreneur (2021). She was part of the Harvard Executive Education program on Leadership for System Change (2023) and has co-authored a number of learning resources and a field resource book ‘Ocean in a Drop – Inside Out Youth Leadership’ (Sage 2013).